Sunday, August 19, 2012

Teaching teachers in Eldoret

Fraternity. That is what one of the teachers called the staff development sessions we had together.

The large guest house compound where we stayed while in Eldoret had a newly built conference room, complete with projector and screen, where I was able to set up my workshop. Hallelujah!

The teachers came in the afternoons after school and we had about two to three hours together each day. The first day we discussed reading comprehension and the use of read alouds to model comprehension strategies. I wasn't sure what to expect, but they were so receptive and eager. It was an incredible blessing to show them the hundreds of books we brought along, thanks to so many of you!

The next two days were spent making Rekenrek math racks, exploring the many uses and strategies for developing number sense with them, as well as exploring the use of strategies for learning addition and subtration facts. I also taught them many of the lessons developed by Barbara Blanke for the Rekenrek. Thank you Barbara!

The third day was mostly spent playing the many math games donated by the Math Learning Center. They were so appreciative and thankful for all the materials we brought.

I was even able to provide a few Number Corner Lessons and materials!

I was so blown away by their receptivity to the materials and to the style of teaching that I was presenting. These teachers were wanting to learn new teaching strategies because they were first and foremost concerned for their students and were desirous to provide instruction that would be engaging for all their learners. They understood the need for concrete materials for young learners, and the only reason they hadn't been using manipulatives to teach with was because they didn't have any!! Now they do!

I said there was plenty more materials stored in my basement! They have already requested additional training and gave me ideas of what topics they would like covered. So I guess I'll have to come back next year! Especially since I didn't get around to the place value lessons!

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