Monday, August 20, 2012

On Safari!!

The Oserian wildlife preserve, near Lake Naivasha, is an awesome 18,000 acres of beautiful scenery and great views of animals. Warthogs were everywhere as were antelopes and gazelles of all sizes.

Through the Chui gate and into the preserve...though we never saw one!

Beautiful acacia trees around every turn.

Close encounter with a giraffe who was waiting for us as we came around a bend.

Staying put for one last photo op!

Zebras and Gnus (wildebeest) were roaming throughout the preserve.

White rhinos! They are hoping to obtain some black rhinos to aid in their preservation.

More giraffes...a mama taking her turn keeping watch over the herd's youngsters.

At the watering hole.

Typical view of landscape.

Impala in the bush.

Erin got to see her Oryx!

Candelabra trees were also everywhere. They call them euphorbia...some are over 100 years old. The milky sap is used for a glue!

Hippos hanging out at the lake within the preserve.

Safari dreams come true!

Heading sad to leave our safari behind...

...Except for the fact that we went to the Oserian's five star lodge for a five star lunch and some five star R & R.

We are lobbying for staying here next year for the safari part of the trip instead of the roadside inn we were at that had the disco bar next door blaring until 4 am, the dogs fighting the opposite direction, and the mosquito ridden rooms with nets full of holes...big ones. What do you think?

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