Sunday, August 19, 2012

Angels at the Gate

You are never really prepared to enter the gates of Jamii to see over 300 children all gathered together chanting "Hello teachers! You are welcome! Welcome to our school!" It was truly one of the highlights of our trip. Every morning we come, this is how we are greeted. When we enter a classroom the students all say "Welcome Teacher!"

The classrooms are constructed of corrugated metal sheets covering a simple wood frame (by wood, I mean large branches). In the picture above the door to the last classroom is directly behind the teacher in red. The classroom is to the right in the picture. This space, which is about one fourth the size of my classroom in Sherwood, houses 63 five and six year olds.

I can't begin to tell you how adorable they are. Their teacher Veronica is truly amazing. In fact, all the teachers are amazing. They are all there because they have incredible hearts for these children, most of whom would not be able to attend school. The school is gaining in its reputation in the slum community of Langas. So much so that a Muslim family now sends their children to Jamii, with full knowledge of the Christian environment and teachings.

There are seven women and seven men on staff at Jamii, which was started by Esther and Basilus, friends of Miriam. Alex, the level three teacher, told me he has been to five other schools, but here at Jamii, he says it is his second home. Each day he comes to school he says he envisions two angels standing on each side of the gate, watching over the children of Jamii.

It is truly a miraculous place..these teachers provide love, education, and hope in the midst of hopelessness.

On the last day we were there, the students performed several songs and put on a play about Noah's Ark that we had helped them put on. The performance was held at the church near by where Esther and Basilus attend. The families of the children came to see and they all really seemed to enjoy it.

After the performance we had to say goodbye. Several of the children were in tears over our leaving, including Teacher Lucy's daughters.

Saying goodbye to Teacher Veronica was hard. I will miss her!

Another angel hanging out at the bus as we were leaving. Too cute!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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