Friday, August 5, 2016

Choma and Travel Day

Yesterday most of the education team headed back to our main guest house. Stephanie, Becci, and Kay stayed behind to spend time with the Jamii teachers.  Kay was able to meet with many of them to provide additional trauma training and counseling.  Then they all had a lunch together called a "Choma" which really means bbq goat!
Kizimani wanted to help communicate to the teachers how special they are and how much we appreciate what they do on so very little.  (Their salaries are half of government job salaries) Hope to get some pictures of that later!
Traveling back we see lots of roadside stands and sometimes immense farmer markets all crammed together.  Lots of cabbages, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, and sometimes rhubarb!

Everything is always neatly piled in buckets or little pyramids.

For once I got to follow the police and not the other way around. 

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