Thursday, August 7, 2014

Teaching with the Teachers

Ann started our five days of training with a session on learning styles and assessments and introduced the teachers to the Mulitple Intelligences and the multiple forms of assessments teachers could use.  The second day we modeled linking past learning to new learning, and so, of course, we linked arms as she finished up and I began our sessions on Geometry.
Whenever I could I had teachers work interactively with both the materials and each other, something they don't often get the chance to do given the very cramped spaces they work in at Jamii.   

Here we are using our Bodily Kinesthetic Multiple Intelligence to act out different kinds of angles!
We are getting wonderful feedback from the teachers who are so appreciative of the chance for some professional development. 

1 comment:

  1. These are amazing pics, Maggie! You and your team are such a blessing to this community, and I am certain are feeling very blessed yourselves. Praying for all of you.
