Our main tasks will be providing economic development training and visiting a new Kizimani partnership, a center which rescues and houses over 120 abandoned children and youth from the streets. Our team will be providing a fun-filled day of games and art activities. We will of course be visiting our ongoing partners and friends at Eldo Jamii School, New Dawn Academy, and the mamas in Kangundo, who are excited to have us join them for the dedication of their latest project,... a mortuary! While we would not have thought of building a mortuary, it is in reality, a much needed facility that provides a significant and culturally relevant service for an impoverished and under served area. In addition, it will help fund the Kizimani medical clinic and help spawn a number of new enterprises (like floral arranging!) which will create jobs that could lift our Kangundo families out of the grinding poverty they face. I will be bringing some initial supplies and will help a few mamas get a floral arranging business started.

I hope you will follow along with me for this year's travels in Kenya. I will try to post daily as best I can. As always, I appreciate your prayers, well wishes, and personal interest in this adventure! Asante Sana!